Store clerk sticks up robber

This store clerk turns the tables on the robber by pulling out his own gun, stopping the punk in his tracks. The clerk shoots at the robber and then locks him in the store. The punk is subdued and detained until the police is able to arrive. The clerk knew that he had to stop … Continue reading

Dad saves 2 year old daughter

A father saves his 2 year old daughter after she slipped off a ship and fell into New York’s East River. The child slips through the ships railing and plunges 25 feet into frigid water. As soon as the father notices it, he jumps into action and diving in to save his daughter. When they … Continue reading

Father kills sex offender

True justice is served in this story. A father kills a convicted sex offender, when the creep breaks into his child’s room in the middle of the night. The father choked the creep to death and true justice is served. One less low life creep in this world and another day is saved. GOOD over … Continue reading

Punk gets owned on the Subway

Some punk starts threatening a woman on the subway and a bystander steps in to defend her. The bystander quick pulls the idiots pants down, stopping any further threat. Owned and humiliated the punk wobbles away. Who said chivalry was dead? This is a perfect example of fighting back without actual violence. Another one for … Continue reading